
10 Ideas to Keep Kids Busy on Your Next Camping Trip

If you’re going on a camping trip and you want to be able to enjoy the experience with your children, you’ll need to find ways to keep them busy and entertained throughout the duration of your trip. With that in mind, here are 10 ideas for keeping kids busy on your next camping trip. Use these as suggested or modify them to fit your own needs and purposes. Enjoy!

1) A camp full of treasures

If you’re looking for a way to keep the kids occupied on your next camping trip, consider making a camp full of treasures. This is a simple activity that can be done with items you likely already have on hand. All you need is some small trinkets or toys, and a few pieces of candy. Hide the treasures around the campsite, and then let the kids loose to find them. They’ll love the challenge, and you’ll love having some peace and quiet!

2) Designate a special area for crafts

Let them get creative with some nature-themed crafts. Collect leaves, sticks, and rocks on a nature walk to use as materials. Older kids can help design the activity and younger ones can be occupied with the final product. If your group is older or more artistic, let them plan an ambitious project like constructing an outdoor theater. Younger children might enjoy something simpler like making bird feeders out of pinecones.

3) Books, books, books

Reading is a great way to pass the time while camping. It can be done solo or as a family. You can also bring along some great books that the whole family can enjoy reading together. classics like The Adventures of Tom Sawyer or Swiss Family Robinson are perfect for campfire side reading. Other more modern novels might suit your tastes better, such as Where the Red Fern Grows, which has all of the adventure and suspense you would expect from an outdoor story without too much violence.

4) Play with the Environment

One great way to keep kids busy is to let them explore and play with their surroundings. Have them look for bugs, climb trees, and run around. If you’re near a body of water, let them splash around and look for creatures. Not only will they be occupied, but they’ll also tire themselves out so they’ll be ready for bed when the sun goes down. 

There are other things that can occupy your little ones such as board games, hiking, drawing pictures or making crafts. A fishing pole could also keep kids entertained. You might have seen fishing from shore or from a boat – but did you know that there’s fishing at camp too? It’s really fun because kids get to wade in shallow waters and find fish in little pools or under rocks.

5) An evening campfire session

An evening campfire session is the perfect opportunity to get everyone together to share stories, play games, and roast marshmallows. Here are a few ideas to keep the kiddos entertained around the campfire:

-Share ghost stories: This is a classic camping activity that is sure to thrill (and maybe even scare) the little ones.

-Play charades: This game is always a hit, no matter what age you are.

-Tell jokes: Everyone loves a good laugh, so get those creative juices flowing and come up with some family-friendly jokes.

-Roast marshmallows on sticks: This is a must-do when you’re gathered around the campfire.

6)Tablets for kids

Most kids these days are very attached to their tablets and smartphones. If you’re planning a camping trip, it might be a good idea to bring along some extra devices for the kids to use. That way, they can stay entertained while you’re busy cooking or setting up camp. Here are a few ideas for what you can do with tablets for kids on a camping trip – Get apps that have games your child likes.

– Download movies and TV shows that will keep them occupied while they wait for dinner to cook.

– Purchase apps that have coloring pages or pictures of animals to help them learn about different wildlife species.

– Download educational apps that teach children about numbers, letters, shapes, colors, etc.

– Invest in an iPad with a keyboard so your child can write stories if they get bored writing in journals.

– There are also tablets made specifically for children. For young kids you can find an appropriate tablet that they can use to keep them entertained on your camping trip: Take a look at the tablets available:

7) Puzzles for kids

If you’re looking for a way to keep the kids occupied on your next camping trip, puzzles are a great option. They can be worked on individually or as a group, and they’re a perfect way to pass the time when you’re stuck indoors. Plus, there are tons of different puzzles to choose from, so you can find one that’s perfect for your group. Here are a few ideas to get you started:

8) Digital Cameras

A great way to keep kids busy on a camping trip is to give them each a digital camera. This will keep them entertained for hours as they take pictures of nature, their friends, and anything else that catches their eye. Plus, you’ll end up with some great memories of your trip when you all get home and can look through the photos together.

These could also be a really neat idea if you’re taking kids on a long road trip and want to stop along the way. You might even see things in new ways because you’re looking at it from their perspective.

For example, you might have always seen an old abandoned house before but now when looking at it through your child’s eyes, it’s full of wonder! Try this out and see what happens!

9) Kids Headphones

Listening to music is a great way for kids to stay entertained while camping. But, you don’t want the music to disturb other campers. That’s where headphones come in! Headphones will allow your child to enjoy their music without bothering others.

Plus, headphones are small and lightweight, making them easy to pack for a camping trip. And, they can be used for other activities, like watching movies or playing video games.

Here are  ideas for keeping kids busy while camping:

  1. Listen to music with headphones
  2. Watch movies with headphones
  3. Play video games with headphones
  4. Listen to audio books

Take a look at what is available:

10) Educational games for young children

Many parents choose to camp with their young children for the educational opportunities it provides. Games like I Spy, 20 Questions, and Word Ladder are perfect for campfires and help kids learn about nature, improve their critical thinking skills, and have fun at the same time. For older kids, consider bringing a deck of cards or a portable chess set.

You can also bring coloring books, crayons, or markers if you want them to do something indoors during your camping trip.

It’s best to get your child involved in planning the activities that will be available on your camping trip before you go so they know what’s in store for them when they arrive!

Editors Choice: Smartgames for kids

Award-winning smartgames are perfect for kids and adults alike. You’re sure to find a puzzle that tests you and your kids skills, and a big plus is its ability to develop  concentration skills, problem-solving abilities and spatial insight. These smartgames will push you to think outside the box while providing  hours of entertainment for your kids. It’s an excellent way to keep them busy during those long camping trips!

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